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Buddha Purnima celebrated

Staff Reporter:

Buddha Purnima, the largest religious festival of the Buddha community, was celebrated yesterday across the country with due religious fervor and zeal.
Like elsewhere in the world, the Buddhists in Bangladesh, chalked out different programmes, including colorful processions, puja, sanghadan, discussions and cultural functions, to mark the day.
Lord Buddha was born on this day of full moon in 563 BC, attained enlightenment and passed away on the same day.
Marking the day, Buddhist devotees offered various gift items, including fruits, flowers and candles, to statues of Lord Buddha throughout the day.
On the occasion of the Buddha Purnima, President Mohammed Shahabuddin and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina issued separate messages, greeting the members of the Buddhists as well as the countrymen.
Leaders of different political and socio-cultural organisations also greeted the Buddhists on the occasion.
The celebrations usually herald with lighting of lamps and hoisting of the national and religious flags atop all monasteries and chanting of sacred verses from Tripitaka.
Marking the day, Bangladesh Buddhist Federation arranged daylong programmes at the International Buddhist Monastery at Merul Badda in the city.
On the occasion, national and regional dailies published different articles while Bangladesh Betar, Bang-ladesh Television (BTV) and private TV channels broadcast special programmes highlighting the signifi-cance of the day.
The day was a public holiday.
President Mohammed Shahabuddin hosted a reception for the Buddhists community members at Creden-tial Hall of Bangabhaban here yesterday on the occasion of the Buddha Purnima.

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