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Relations with US to be strengthened: Saber

Staff Reporter:

Environment Minister Saber Hossain Chowdhury yesterday said the existing relations between Bangla-desh and the United States (US) will be enhanced.
“Significant strides were made towards enhancing bilateral relations between Bangladesh and the United States, particularly in environmental and climate realms,” he said.
The minister said this while conducting a meeting with US Assistant Secretary of State Donald Lu at the secretariat here yesterday.
Expressing optimism regarding the future of Bangladesh-US relations, Saber Hossain underlined the shared commitment to combating climate change.
The meeting underscored the mutual desire of both the nations to deepen their partnership. It convened at the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change saw Minister Chowdhury and Assistant Sec-retary Lu at the forefront of discussions.
A seven-member US delegation, led by US Assistant Secretary Lu, highlighted the United States’ inten-tion to offer free real-time satellite data for South Asia. This data will serve as a vital tool in monitoring the impact of climate change, including natural disasters, floods, pollution and rising sea levels.
Bangladesh, in turn, articulated its aspirations for collaboration in various domains, including technology transfer, capacity building, smart agriculture, and the advancement of green and climate technologies.
To facilitate these endeavors, both parties agreed to establish a bilateral working group. Further delibera-tions will focus on project implementation, with particular attention to ensuring the welfare of marginal-ized communities, a ministry press release said.
Saber Hossain Chowdhury expressed appreciation for the US’s commitment to addressing climate change, noting the importance of aligning initiatives with Bangladesh’s needs.
Emphasizing the significance of cooperative efforts, the discussion centered on fostering sustainable de-velopment and effectively addressing environmental challenges.
The United States delegation, comprising prominent figures such as Peter Haas, the US Ambassador to Bangladesh Nathaniel Haft, Chief of Staff, South and Central Asian Affairs Bureau and other distin-guished officials, reiterated their nation’s unwavering dedication to collaborating with Bangladesh in combating climate change.
This meeting marked a significant step forward in the ongoing partnership between Bangladesh and the United States, reaffirming their shared commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable devel-opment.
As both nations continue to work closely together, the prospects for impactful collaboration in tackling climate change remain promising.

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