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3rd phase UZ election 130 withdraw their candidacy

Staff Reporter:

One hundred and thirty candidates have withdrawn their candidacy from the third phase Upazila Pari-shad election scheduled to be held on May 29, the Election Commission (EC) said on Monday.
Md. Shariful Alam, Director (Public Relations) of the EC, due to the withdrawal of candidacy six will be elected unopposed.
Of those who have withdrawn candidacy, 73 are chairman candidates, 43 vice-chairman candidates and 14 vice-chairman candidates for posts reserved for women, he said.
Besides, six candidates who will be elected unopposed are Pirojpur’s Bhandaria upazila candidates in all 3 posts, Shariatpur’s Gosaithat upazila vice-chairman candidate and candidates if Feni’s Sonagazi and Daganbhuiyan upazila vice-chairman posts reserved for women, he added.
The Election Commission will allocate symbols for 3rd phase Upazila Parishad polls and the candidates will be allowed to start campaign from yesterday.
In the third phase of upazila parishad polls, 570 candidates submitted nomination papers for chairman post, 618 for vice-chairman post and 400 for vice-chairman post reserved for women.
According to the EC announced schedule, the 3rd phase upazila election will be held in 112 Upazila Parishads on May 29 while second phase polls in 160 upazila will be held on May 21.
28 candidates were elected unopposed in the first phase of Upazila Parishad polls while 21 in the second phase.
The first phase of the sixth Upazila Parishad Election was held in 139 upazilas of 59 districts in the country on Wednesday amid allegations of irregularities and poor voter turnout.

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