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BUET students protest BCL activities on campus defying ban

Staff Reporter:

A group of students of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (Buet) on Friday staged a demonstration on the university campus protesting the resumption of political activities by Chhatra League leaders and activists despite a ban.

The students claimed that the BCL central leaders had organized a program at the campus around 1am amid the ban.

After the murder of Abrar Fahad on October 7, 2019, student politics was banned in Buet. On December 8, 2021, a Dhaka court sentenced 20 BCL leaders and activists to death and five others to life imprisonment for killing Abrar. Their appeals case is now pending with the High Court.

Terming the incident shameful, the students said that around 1am, they came to know that several top leaders of BCL came to Buet and entered through the main gate of the campus.

A large number of outsiders marched into the campus with flower bouquets in their hands. At this time, ordinary students recognized them.

Despite the prohibition of organizational politics according to the university policy, this incident which took place in the dark of night on the campus is a serious insult to the dignity of the campus. The university administration and the student welfare department cannot avoid the responsibility, they added.

The students demanded the permanent expulsion of 21st batch civil engineering student Imtiaz Rabbi, the main organizer of the BCL program. The rest of the students who were involved with Imtiaz will have to be expelled from the halls and different terms.

If the administration fails to meet the demands, the protesters will demand the resignation of the DSW (Director of Student Welfare).

They also demanded a written undertaking to the effect that no harassing action will be taken against the agitating students.

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