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PM calls upon global leaders to stop genocide in Gaza

A Correspondent:

MUNICH, Germany: Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has called upon the global leaders to stop genocide in Gaza.
“Bangladesh has always stood against genocide. What is happening in Gaza, I feel it is genocide. So we never support it,” she said in an interview with Turkey’s state-run Anadolu Agency on sideline of Mu-nich Security Conference (MSC) 2024 on Saturday.
She also said that the Palestinian people have the rights to live and have their own state.
“The Gaza people have the rights to live but it is a very sad thing what is happening there. So we should help them, and stop this invasion and war,” she said.
Sheikh Hasina has called upon the world leaders to support and help “the suffering children, women, and people of Palestine.”
She said Bangladesh has already sent some assistance for them.
Replying to a query on planned Israeli operation on the southern Gaza city of Rafah, the Premier said they have never supported such an offensive.
“Palestinian people should have the rights to have their own state, that is clear,” she said.
She continued: “There is a two state theory in 1967 UN resolution. It should be implemented immediate-ly.”

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