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2 youths crushed under train in capital

Staff Reporter:

In separate incidents, two young men were killed after being hit by trains in the Kuril Bishwa Road area of the capital on Sunday.
The deceased were identified as Mahmudul Hasan, 30, son of Shah Alam of Satkhira district and Tanjim Joy, 26, son of Babul Ahmed of Sadar upazila in Moulvibazar district.
Tara Mia, sub-inspector of Airport Police Station, said Mahmudul died on the spot after being hit by a train around 10:20 am near Cantonment Rail Station while crossing the rail track.
He used to work at a private company and met the tragic death while returning to his home, wearing headphones.
In another incident, Tanjim was crushed under the wheels of a Balaka commuter train while walking beside the rail track around 5:24 am.
Two separate unnatural cases were filed.

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