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Militancy under control: IGP

Staff Reporter:

Inspector General of Police (IGP) Chowdhury Abdullah Al-Mamun yesterday said police have been able to control militancy and terrorism with utmost sincerity and professionalism.
“A stable situation is prevailing across the country,” he said while addressing the Police Headquarters Quarterly Conference at the Bangladesh Police Auditorium here.
Asking field-level police personnel to remain alert against militants, Mamun said the militancy is now under control in the country.
He urged the policemen to work devotedly along with professionalism for the welfare of the country and its people as well.
Additional IG (crime and operations) Md Atiqul Islam presented a scenario of the crime incidence across the country from January to March this year.
Additional IG (admin) Md Kamrul Ahsan and Chief Additional IG of Special Branch Md Manirul Islam and additional IGPs, police commissioners of all metropolitan areas, and high officials were present.

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