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Sheikh Hasina greets new French PM

Staff Reporter:

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has greeted Gabriel Attal on his appointment as the new French Prime Minister.
Sheikh Hasina wrote, on behalf of the government and the people of Bangladesh and her own, “I have the great pleasure of extending to you our warmest greetings and heartiest felicitations on your appoint-ment as the Prime Minister of the French Republic”.
Reiterating Bangladesh’s high importance to its relations with France, she said “the bilateral ties are deeply rooted in our shared values of democracy, sustainable development, and global peace.”
Sheikh Hasina recalled, “President Macron and I have charted a new direction for our mutual coopera-tion during our visits to Paris and Dhaka in 2021 and 2023, respectively, to work towards a strategic partnership.”
She added, “We have decided to address multifarious global challenges, climate change, energy transi-tion, maintaining international peace, and sustainable development.”
The Prime Minister stated, “I feel that there are enormous possibilities for new cooperation in trade, in-vestment, water-resources development, aviation, defense, climate action, and knowledge sharing to es-calate the existing partnership to a new plateau.”
Sheikh Hasina wished Gabriel Attal a successful tenure as the Prime Minister of the French Republic and looks forward to working closely with him for the mutual benefit of the people of Bangladesh and France.

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