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BNP making ‘outline’ of conspiracy to halt progress: Quader

Staff Reporter:

Awami League (AL) General Secretary and Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader on Saturday said BNP is not preparing outline of movement rather they are preparing outline of conspiracy to halt the country’s ongoing progress.
“BNP is holding secret meetings and sittings. Now they are saying that they will prepare a framework of movement. But this framework is of conspiracy not of movement,” he said.
He added: “This is not politics as BNP is hatching conspiracy to launch attacks on the progressing econ-omy of the country.”
Quader said these while addressing a joint meeting of the party at its Bangabandhu Avenue central office in the city.
The AL Presidium held the meeting with presidents and general secretaries of the party’s Dhaka city north and south units and AL’s associate bodies.
The AL general secretary said under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the country’s econ-omy made a turnaround even after the Covid-19 pandemic.
Bangladesh is now an example to other countries and even IMF has stated this, he mentioned.
Today BNP has taken the path of terrorism to destroy the economy, he said.
The minister said BNP doesn’t believe in elections. To BNP, election means giving guarantee of making them elected, he said.
Quader said if the Election Commission can give assurance to BNP that the party must go to power, the elections will be fair to BNP.
He said BNP’s movement has failed due to lack of engagement of people. BNP realized that there is no chance of winning in the next polls through people’s vote. That is why BNP is making evil efforts to make the election questionable and preparing the outline, he added.
The minister said the Prime Minister’s current overseas visit has taken Bangladesh to a new height.
“This is a historic visit. We know that many are suffering from jealousy. BNP and those who doesn’t want Bangladesh’s progress have started spreading hatred over the visit of the premier,” he said.
He said, “Inevitably, the world crisis has impacts on our people’s life. In this perspective, if anyone eval-uates this visit of the prime minister, obviously it will be a historic one.”
Once World Bank (WB) stepped away from the Padma Bridge project blaming Bangladesh but now this WB’s president invited Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and accorded a reception.
AL General Secretary Obaidul Quader chaired the joint meeting while Deputy Leader of Parliament and AL Presidium Member Begum Matia Chowdhury, Presidium Members Dr Mostafa Jalal Mohiuddin and Advocate Qamrul Islam, Joint General Secretary AFM Bahauddin Nasim, Organizing Secretaries SM Kamal Hossain, Mirza Azam and Sujit Roy Nandi, Science and Technology Affairs Secretary Abdus Sabur, Office Secretary Barrister Biplab Barua, Agriculture and Cooperatives Affairs Secretary Faridun-nahar Laily, Population and Health Affairs Secretary Dr Rokeya Sultana, Forest and Environment Af-fairs Secretary Delwar Hossain, Relief and Social Welfare Secretary Aminul Islam, Deputy Publicity and Publications Secretary Syed Abdul Awal Shamim, Deputy Office Secretary Sayem Khan, Central Working Committee Member Shahabuddin Farazi and Anwar Hossain joined it, among others.

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