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Nat’l fruit fair in city from Thu

Staff Reporter:

A three-day national fruit fair will begin on Krishibid Institution Bangladesh (KIB) premises at Khamarbari in the capital on Thursday.
The Ministry of Agriculture is going to arrange the fair with the theme ‘Fale Pusti Ortha Besh-Smart Agriculture Bangladesh’, which will end on June 8.
A total of eight government institutions and 55 private institutions will participate in the fair this year. Around 63 stalls will display different types of fruits and fruit cultivation technology.
The fair will remain open for all from 10 am to 8 pm daily. Visitors can learn about different techniques of fruit cultivation and can also buy different varieties of chemical-free fruits at the fair, a ministry press release said.
A colorful rally will start from Manik Mia Avenue at 9.30 am on Thursday and it will end reaching KIB premises. Agriculture Minister Md. Abdus Shahid will inaugurate the fair at KIB at 10 am.
A seminar on fruits will be held at KIB auditorium while Agriculture Minister Abdus Shahid will speak as the chief guest and State Minister for Commerce Ahsanul Islam Titu will be present as special guest.
At the closing ceremony of the fruit fair to be held at BARC auditorium on Saturday afternoon (June 8), Chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on the Ministry of Agriculture and former agricul-ture minister Dr Abdur Razzaque will be present as the chief guest.
According to the Department of Agricultural Extension, the total production of fruits was 1,50,33,000 metric tonnes in the country in the fiscal 2022-23.

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