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B’desh builds a monument in Japan

Staff Reporter:

The Bangladesh government has constructed a peace monument at the Nagasaki Peace Park in Japan as part of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s quest for a nuclear bomb-free, peaceful world and to convey the message of peace to the people across the globe.
Designed by architect Anindya Pandit, the three-meter-high monument is made of black granite and white marble stones, according to a message received here from Japan.
Housing and Public Works Minister R A M Obaidul Muktadir Chowdhury unveiled the Nagasaki Peace Monument in Japan yesterday, said a press release.
Bangladesh Ambassador to Japan Shahabuddin Ahmed, Secretary to the Housing and Public Works Ministry Nabirul Islam, and Mayor of Nagasaki Shiro Suzuki were present at the event.
At the unveiling ceremony, Muktadir Chowdhury thanked all involved in the process, including the Mayor of Nagasaki, for their overall cooperation in constructing the monument.
Before the ceremony, a minute’s silence was observed at 11:02 am to coincide with the atomic bombing of Nagasaki in 1945.

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