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CDA identifies 75 pipes of CWASA as obstructions for drainage

Staff Reporter:

Chattogram Development Authority (CDA) has identified 75 pipes of Chattogram Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (CWASA) as obstructions to the normal flow of water.

CDA Chairman Md Yunus handed over a list of the pipes and a letter requesting to remove those to the CWASA Managing Director (MD) Engineer AKM Fazlullah in the latter’s office on Monday.

At that time, the CDA chairman said the pipelines were identified by the CDA engineering team in a field visit conducted to unearth the main cause behind waterlogging in Chattogram.

“The polythenes and other waste get stuck in and around those pipelines, creating a barrier for the water to move swiftly, ultimately resulting in waterlogging,” he said.

CWASA Managing Director Fazlullah replied with assurance that his organisation will remove the pipelines where needed.

He also expressed optimism that the two agencies would coordinate with each other and work to ease public suffering.

Later, the CDA chairman also visited sites of the project to address the waterlogging crisis in the city.

CDA Chief Engineer Kazi Hasan Bin Shams, Executive Engineer Rajib Das and Engineer Neaz Mamun were also present at that time, among other

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