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Buddha Purnima observed
President urges all to work for nation’s dev

Staff Reporter:

President Mohammed Shahabuddin yesterday called upon all including Buddhist community to prioritize the wellbeing of the nation and work for country’s development.
Speaking at a reception ceremony hosted by him at the Credentials Hall of the Bangabhaban commemo-rating “Happy Buddha Purnima 2024”, he emphasized importance of guiding people towards the right path and working for the betterment of all, rather than solely focusing on personal or familial interests.
Acknowledging the deep-rooted Buddhist tradition in Bangladesh that spans thousands of years, the Pres-ident conveyed warm greetings and best wishes to Buddhists in Bangladesh and around the world.
He highlighted that Buddha’s teachings aimed at the welfare and happiness of all beings on Earth, trans-cending barriers of time and space.
Encouraging interfaith harmony, the President advised embracing the positive aspects of all religions while discarding the negative, and urged Buddhist leaders to promote the noble teachings of Buddha for a harmonious and prosperous Bangladesh, envisioned by the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Stressing that religion should serve the well-being of people rather than causing suffering; the President emphasized the importance of understanding religion from a perspective of perception, not debate.
In the world plagued by human rights violations, conflict, and socio-economic instability, President Shahabuddin called for unity and support among nations.
The President and his wife Dr. Rebecca Sultana extended greetings with Buddhist leaders.
The President received bouquets from religious figures of the Buddhists community at Bangabhaban.
He exchanged views with the Buddhist community leaders.
Throughout the country, Buddhist community observed Buddha Purnima yesterday with reverence and enthusiasm, commemorating Siddhartha Gautama Buddha’s birth and enlightenment under the Bodhi tree in Buddhagaya. The day was a holiday.
The reception at Bangabhaban was attended by over 1,000 individuals, including numerous guests.
Religious Affairs Minister Md Faridul Haque Khan, State Minister for Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs Kujendra Lal Tripura, leaders of the Buddhist community, and concerned secretaries from Bangabhaban were also present.

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