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MP Anar killed by Bangladeshi killers in Kolkata: DB

Staff Reporter:

The killers of Jhenaidah-4 MP Anwarul Azim Anar were Bangladeshis, according to the Chief of the Detective Branch (DB) of Dhaka Metropolitan Police Mohammad Harun or Rashid said yesterday.
“An investigation is underway to ascertain the reason behind the murder. A few persons were arrested and others who were involved in the murder will be brought to justice. But the names can’t be disclosed now for the sake of the investigation,” the DB chief said while talking to reporters at his office on Wednesday.
“We are contacting the Indian police closely and receiving important information regarding the murder but can’t disclose anything now,” he added.
Replying to a question on why he was murdered, the DB chief said “Investigation is going on to know the reason behind the murder. Whether it is a family or financial or local issue or for raising voice against criminals, we’ll bring out everything through investigation.”
The daughter of MP Anwarul will file a case and officials are providing all-out support to her, he said, adding “We have asked her to file the case with Sher-e-Bangla Nagar Police Station as he was a resident of Sangshad Bhaban area.”
MP Anar, who went missing from Kolkata on May 14, was found dead in Kolkata on Wednesday. He went there on May 11 for medical treatment.
Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan yesterday said the lawmaker of Jhenaidah-4 was brutally killed at a flat in New Town, a suburb of Kolkata.
“The information we have so far is that the people of our country are involved in the killing,” he said while speaking at a press briefing held at his Dhanmondi residence.

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