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BB clarifies on journalists’ access to central bank

Staff Reporter:
Bangladesh Bank (BB) has issued a clarification over recent reports regarding restrictions on jour-nalists’ entry to the central bank.
In a circular issued on Wednesday, the central bank stated that it considers disseminating infor-mation to the public a top priority.
In the clarification, it said the central bank appointed an executive director-level official as its spokesperson while two director-level officers were assigned as assistant spokespersons to provide information to the media.
It said any journalist could get information and take BB statements at the main building of the central bank during the official hours through communication with the assigned officials.
In case of any special requirement, the journalists can get any information and explanation after collecting entry passes from the official concerned, it said.
At the same time, it said, the central bank kept on disseminating information through holding press conferences, issuing press releases and other ways on a regular basis.
Simultaneously, the BB had been regularly publishing all the economic information and data on its website to ensure free access to information, the BB statement said.

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