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Local people won’t be evicted for Kamrangirchar dev: Taposh

Staff Reporter:

Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) Mayor Sheikh Fazle Noor Taposh has agreed to meet and talk with the people leading a protest against the construction of a Central Business District (CBD) at Kamrangirchar.

Taposh took the decision after an initial meeting with the protest leaders, said a DSCC press release.

The protestors fear that due to heavy construction work under the CBD project many families and businesses in the area may be evicted.

In the meeting, the representatives of the Nagorik Parishad handed Taposh an invitation to meet Nagorik Parishad’s Kamrangirchar unit president and Ekushey Padak Awardee poet Nirmalendu Goon to visit his home Srijon Kuthi at Kamrangirchar.

In response, the mayor assured them that he would visit the house at a convenient time.

According to the press release, Taposh informed the delegation that DSCC has planned the restoration of the old Buriganga channel and creation of an aesthetic environment, construction of Kamrul Islam Sarani and Inner Circular Ring Road among other development plans for Kamrangirchar.

He also assured them that no local resident would be evicted from the area, and that as of Thursday there was still no new construction project approved for Kamrangirchar.

In the meeting, the delegation of protesters of rights activists submitted a memorandum to the mayor.

The memorandum, jointly signed by Nagorik Parishad’s Member Secretary SM Maola Reza and Coordinator Hasan Ahmed, said that people of Kamrangirchar want development, but not any kind of eviction.

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