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Gunshots, mortar explosions continue to resound through Teknaf frontiers

Staff Reporter:
Sounds of gunshots and mortar explosions continued to reverberate through the frontiers along the Teknaf upazila in Cox’s Bazar district on Tuesday.

Locals said they heard sounds of gunshots and shelling throughout the Monday and it continued till Tuesday afternoon.

Panic gripped the people living along the frontiers afresh following the escalating clashes between the Myanmar security personnel and the rebel Arakan Army (AA) in the junta-run country.

The sounds were heard from Boli Bazar, Shilkhali, Nakpura, Hassurata and Nakkhangdia located in the north part of Maungdow township in Myanmar through the Hnila and Hoaikkong unions under the Teknaf upazila.

People living in the villages Kharankhali, Jhimkhali of Hoaikkong Union, Moulvi Bazar, Wabrang, Puran Bazar, Fuler Deil and Chowdhury Para of Hnila Union, Alikhali, Leda, Muchani, Jadimura and Damdamia of Teknaf Sadar and Chowdhury Para, KK Para and Jaliapara of Teknaf Municipality and the Saint Martin’s Island heard the sounds.

Tenkaf Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) Adnan Chowdhury told the Daily Sun that sounds of gunfights and shelling continue to reverberate the areas along the Teknaf frontlines.

Members of Border Guard Bangladesh and Coast Guard are kept alert to check any untoward incident, he said.

Mentionable, the conflict between Myanmar security forces and the rebel AA, which intensified since February 3, has seen mortar shells and bullets encroaching into Bangladesh territory, resulting in casualties and injuries.

In response to these challenges, the government has heightened the vigilance of BGB personnel to thwart any potential infiltration attempts across the Myanmar borders during the conflict.

Additional BGB forces have been deployed in border areas to closely monitor and manage the situation.

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