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Fugitive death-row convict in Prof Humayun Azad murder case arrested

Staff Reporter:

The Anti-Terrorism Unit (ATU) of Police has arrested a fugitive death-row convict in a case filed over the death of Dhaka University Professor Humayun Azad.

The arrestee was identified as Nur Mohammad alias Shamim, 40, a leader of the banned militant outfit Jama’atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB).

Shamim was present on the spot and actively took part in attacking Prof Azad on the Dhaka University campus on February 27, 2004. There were also a few others with him.

ATU Chief Additional IG SM Ruhul Amin confirmed the matter at his Baridhara office on Tuesday.

Prof Azad’s brother filed a case over attempted murder with Ramna Police Station after the attack in 2004.

Later, Shamim’s name came up in the supplementary charge sheet of the case.

Prof Azad was taken to Bangkok, Thailand, after the attack for better treatment and he returned to the country after over 47 days.

Prof Azad died in Munich, Germany on August 12, 2004, and the case was later turned into a murder case following his death.

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