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PM pays homage to Bangabandhu

Staff Reporter:
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina yesterday paid rich tributes to Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, marking his 104th birth anniversary coinciding with the National Chil-dren’s Day-2024.
As part of the state program, the premier paid homage by placing a wreath at the portrait of Bangabandhu, the greatest Bangali of all times, in front of the Bangabandhu Memorial Museum at Dhanmondi 32 at 7 in the morning.
After placing the wreath, she stood in solemn silence for some time as a mark of profound respect to the memory of the country’s founding father.
Prime Minister’s younger sister Sheikh Rehana was present at that time.
A smartly turned-out contingent drawn from the Bangladesh Army, Navy and Air Force gave a guard of honour on the occasion.
A prayer was also offered seeking eternal peace of the departed souls of the martyrs of the August 15 carnage.
Later, flanked by senior Awami League leaders, Sheikh Hasina, also the president of the party, placed another wreath at the portrait of Bangabandhu on behalf of her party.
The premier is also scheduled to visit Tungipara, Gopalganj to pay rich tributes to Bangabandhu along with President Mohammed Shahabuddin by placing wreaths at his mausoleum there.
She will later attend a programme marking the 104th birth anniversary of the Father of the Nation.
The birthday of Bangabandhu is being celebrated across the country as the National Children’s Day for many years.
On this day in 1920, Bangabandhu, the leader of the Bangali nation and the architect of the inde-pendent Bangladesh was born in a respected Muslim family in Tungipara village of Gopalganj sub-division, now district.

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