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Six political parties seek vote for ‘Boat’

Staff Reporter:

Six political partyies including JASAD (Shajahan Siraj) and Bangladesh Jatiya Ganatantrik League sought vote for Awami League candidates in the next parliamentary polls to be held on January 7 to con-tinue the current development spree.
JASAD (Siraj) president Md Abdul Jabbar, Ganatantrik League’s president M Jalil, Kazi Aref Founda-tion president Kazi Masud Ahmed, Bangladesh Nari Mukti Andolon president Fatema Khatun, Garments Sramik Kendro president Humayun Kabir, Dakkhin Banglar Jubo Kalyan Samity president ASM Musta-fa Kamal and Dakkhin Banglar Chhatra Kalyan Samity president Saiful Islam issued the joint statement.
They urged people to cast their vote for “Boat”, AL’s election symbol, to let Bangabandhu’s daughter Sheikh Hasina to build a terrorism, corruption, drug abuse and money laundering free country and guide the nation with the spirit of Liberation War.

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