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None is harassing on political ground: Momen

Staff Reporter:

Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen on Tuesday said the government is not harassing any innocent peo-ple but bringing the terrorists under the law to punish them.
“We are not harassing anyone on political ground. We are arresting them who are terrorists,” Momen told reporters at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
He referred to the destruction of public and private properties and arson attacks on vehicles and innocent people in recent days.
Momen said Bangladesh shows zero tolerance policy towards terrorists and terrorism.
He called upon those who are involved in terrorist activities to shun the path of terrorism and involve in due political activities.
Responding to a question on human rights situation, Momen said Bangladesh is a model country com-pared to other countries in terms of protecting human rights.
He mentioned the sacrifice made by the people of Bangladesh to uphold democracy, human rights, and justice.
Momen said other countries should take lessons from Bangladesh on human rights and justice.
He highlighted violation of human rights in Gaza and some developed countries where people are killed broad daylight.
Asked about the Rohingya situation and their repatriation, the foreign minister reiterated his optimism regarding their return.
He said repatriation does not depend on the willingness of Bangladesh and Myanmar as many actors are involved in the process.
Momen said the Rohingyas are willing to return to their home.
“There is a problem. Many do not want their repatriation,” he added.
Asked about Bangladesh’s relations with the US, he said the relationship is very cordial.
Momen said an election wave is sweeping across the country, and participatory election means people’s participation.
He said friendly countries like the US give suggestions to Bangladesh, and Bangladesh accepts those suggestions that look good for the country.

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