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Metro rail service up to Motijheel from November 5

Staff Reporter:

The much-desired metro rail will run on Agargaon-Motijheel section from November 5, as Prime Minis-ter Sheikh Hasina will inaugurate this part on November 4.
“Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will inaugurate the Agargaon-Motijheel section of Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Line 6 service on November 4,” MAN Siddique, Managing Director of Dhaka Mass Transit Company Limited (DMTCL) said.
The Prime Minister along with her entourage members will also travel on the train, he added.
Siddique said that the Prime Minister will also inaugurate the construction work of the MRT Line-5 (Northern route) and unveil the inaugural plaque of the MRT Line-6 at Motijheel station.
He said these at a press briefing held at the DMTCL’s conference room in the city.
Siddique said that regular metro rail service from Uttara to Agargaon will be suspended on Saturday (4 November) due to the inaugural ceremony.
The operation of metro rail will resume on Sunday the day after the inauguration.
Initially, the metro rail will operate on the Uttara-Motijheel section from 7:30 am to 11:30 am, for four hours a day. It will operate up to 8:30 pm in the Uttara-Agargaon section.
Metro train will have stoppages at Farmgate, Bangladesh Secretariat and Motijheel stations on the Agar-gaon-Motijheel route. A train will be available after every 10 minutes.
Considering passengers’ convenience, the route from Motijheel to Kamalapur has been extended by 1.16 km. The extended portion will be completed by June 2024. The total length of metro rail from Uttara to Motijheel is 21 km.
The government adopted Metrorail project in July 2012. Its initial implementation period was till June 2024. However, the period was later extended.

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