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BPSA criticises media for publishing corruption news of police

Staff Reporter:

Bangladesh Police Service Association (BPSA) has criticised the mass media’s role in publishing reports on corruption committed by former and incumbent members of Bangladesh police.

“In recent times, both print and electronic media, along with social media, have consistently been publishing partially true, biased and false reports about former and current members of the police deliberately,” the BPSA said in a statement on Friday.

Expressing a strong condemnation in this regard, the BPSA called upon the media men to uphold the rules and regulations of journalism in publishing reports over indulgence of former and current policemen in corruption.

The BPSA issued this statement after media reports brought to light the concerning allegations against former Inspector General of Police (IGP) Benazir Ahmed.

Now, various media have also published reports that former commissioner of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Asaduzzaman Mia and his family members reportedly own several plots, apartments and lands in Dhaka.

Under these circumstances, the BPSA held a meeting at the Police headquarters in Dhaka on Thursday and during the meeting, some participants suggested going for legal action against the journalists responsible for such reporting.

In the statement, the BPSA said a section of mass media is engaged in publishing news against police officials with a motive of their personal gain, going beyond the ethics of journalism.

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