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Bangladesh to be forced to fire back: Home minister

Staff Reporter:

Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal has categorically said that Bangladesh would be forced to fire back if Myanmar further shoots any firing targeting Bangladesh ships on the St Martin route.

He sounded the note of caution while talking to reporters at his ministry office at the Secretariat in Dhaka on Thursday.

An unidentified armed group from Myanmar fired at an island-bound speed boat along the Naf River on 11 June. Furthermore, warships belonging to Myanmar were also visible on the St Martin route.

These continued bodacious incidents have disrupted efforts to restore waterway communications between the island and the Cox’s Bazar, plunging the people of the island into a deep food crisis for at least 12 days.

Responding to a query in this regard, Kamal said, “We will respond accordingly if Myanmar further shoots any fire towards our ships.”

He also advised the authorities concerned operating ships or boats in Naf river by hoisting national flags

Myanmar confirmed that its soldiers were firing at their dissidents Arakan Army, said the home minister.

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