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PM visits Fazilatunnesa Mujib specialised hospital in Gazipur, undergoes routine checkup

Staff Reporter:

Prime Minister Sheikh Sheikh Hasina on Friday visited Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib Memorial KPJ Specialized Hospital at Tetuibari in Kashimpur, Gazipur and underwent routine health checkup there.

On her arrival at the hospital, the Prime Minister was received by Health Minister Dr. Samanta Lal Sen, former Health Minister AFM Ruhal Haque and Vice Chancellor of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Prof Dr. Deen Mohd. Noorul Huq.

The Premier herself went to the counter of the hospital for registration and paid the registration and checkup fees.

Prime Minister’s health checkup was done under supervision of her personal physician and country’s renowned medicine specialist Professor Dr ABM Abdullah, who accompanied her.

The Prime Minister later held a meeting with the members of the board of directors, physicians, officials and nurses of the hospital and inquired about the hospital’s overall activities.

She also gave the authorities concerned necessary instructions regarding rendering services treatment to the patients properly.

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