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Action to be taken if sacrificial cattle taken to another city market: DMP

Staff Reporter:

Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Commissioner Habibur Rahman yesterday said tough actions will be taken if sacrificial animals designated for a particular cattle market are forcibly taken to another cattle market in the city.
Traders will have to put up a banner in front of the truck specifying its destination and if necessary, in-clude the mobile number of the leaseholder of the cattle market on the banner, he said at a meeting held over the coordination of overall security arrangements at the cattle markets and traffic management.
Habibur said highway police and DMP will take steps in case of such incidents. If such incidents happen, highway police in the area and DMP in Dhaka metropolitan area will take strict legal action, he said.
The cattle markets will be allowed on designated places set by city corporations and if anyone tries to set up a cattle market anywhere else, police officials concerned will look into the matter.
He said district magistrates, city corporation magistrates, local police and lease holders of the cattle mar-kets will work in a coordinated way.
The DMP chief urged the lease holder to erect barricades surrounding the cattle markets to keep the roads hassle-free.
Besides, Habibur said, police will provide assistance in identifying counterfeit notes while adequate po-lice will be deployed to prevent dope gang activities.
DMP senior officials, different intelligent agencies, navy police, highway police, representatives of city corporations, fire service and other stake holders were present.

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