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Review hearing in 16th Amendment case on 10 August

Staff Reporter:

The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court on Thursday set July 11 for holding a hearing on a petition, pleading to review the apex court judgement that declared the 16th Amendment of the Constitution illegal.

An Appellate Division bench led by Senior Justice M Enayetur Rahim passed the order on Thursday, as the Chief Justice was not present in the court.

The 16th amendment, made on 17 September 2014, had abolished the Chief Justice led Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) and restored parliament’s power to remove the judges. But some Supreme Court Lawyers challenged the decision on 5 November 2014.

The High Court issued a rule on the amendment on 9 November 2014. Later, the HC declared the amendment illegal on the basis of the view of the majority followed by a hearing on May 5, 2016.

The government appealed against the HC verdict in 2017.

An Appellate Division full bench led by the former Chief Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha heard the appeal, and delivered the verdict on 3 July 2017, rejecting the appeal and upholding the HC verdict and released the full text of the verdict on 1 August 2017.

The state made a review application against that judgement

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