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Fire at Barishal Plaza doused

Staff Reporter:

A fire that broke out earlier this morning at Dhaka’s Barishal Plaza Market — opposite to Bangabazar which burned down just four days ago — has been doused.
The fire broke out on the 3rd floor of the market around 8:05 am and spread soon, said Anwarul Islam, warehouse inspector of Fire Service and Civil Defence headquarters.
There are a number of markets within Barishal Plaza and Maleka Market is on the 3rd floor of the build-ing.
On information, 14 firefighting units rushed to the spot and brought the blaze under control around 8:45 am.
It took the firefighters nearly one and a half hours to fully douse the flames around 9:40 am.
However, what caused the fire could not be known immediately.
No casualty has been reported.
A massive fire broke out at the Bangabazar Market in Dhaka on April 4 and it spread to some other nearby markets, burning several thousand shops, with mainly readymade clothes and footwear, to ashes.

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