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Awami League Govt supports syndicate: BNP

Staff Reporter:

BNP Senior Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi on Friday said the Awami League government is known to the people as a syndicate and plunderer.

After failing to control the soaring prices of daily commodities, Awami League has let Chatra League to attack on Muslim devotees’ iftar arrangement, he alleged.

When the Awami League comes to state power, it undermines the religious belief of Muslims and their culture and suppresses the alem-ulemas (Islamic scholars) community. They do it to please their master, he claimed.

Rizvi made the comments at a press briefing held at the BNP Nayapalton Central office.

All programs except Iftar can be organized on university premises, where Awami League leaders Obaidul Quader and Hasan Mahmud were present to glorify the occasion. But Iftar organizers have suffered from the Awami League attack. It is a part of the conspiracy against Muslims, Rizvi said.

When Muslims want to celebrate any occasion, why do Quader and his party’s men feel ashamed, asked the BNP leader.

Sometimes, Awami League uses Islam for their interest, sometimes throws it away, he alleged.

The majority Muslim people of the country are going to lose their culture and values as they have already lost their right to vote, he alleged.

“Dummy Awami League government could not care less about poor people’s voice also,” he said.

He claimed that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina fails to hear the “SOS message” of hungry people in this Ramadan.

Awami League resorts to corruption and misuse of power as one of their former ministers owned more than 350 assets in London worth two hundred million pound. Besides, they have laundered money to Dubai, Kuala Lumpur, Europe, Australia and America, he continued.

Rizvi said after the January 7 dummy election, the Awami League’s one and only agenda is to wipe out the BNP from politics.

As part of their plan, they are not allowing former prime minister Khaleda Zia to go abroad for better treatment besides spreading slander against Tarique Rahman to tarnish his image, he said.

Noting that a few media houses have lost their sense, the BNP leader said that without any proper investigation and fact check and only to please Sheikh Hasina, they have made it a habit to publish news against BNP’s acting chairman Tarique Rahman.

The people now believe that yesterday a report was published on a daily newspaper’s online version following the prescription of an intelligence agency, Rizvi added.

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