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DMP beefs up security for Feb 21

Staff Reporter:

Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) has beefed up security measures in Shaheed Minar area marking the ‘Shaheed Dibash’ and the International Mother Language Day on February 21.
“Four tiers security arrangements have been taken on Shaheed Minar premises to ensure peaceful ob-servance of the ‘Shaheed Dibash’ and the International Mother Language Day,” DMP commissioner Habibur Rahman told reporters while visiting the Central Shaheed Minar yesterday.
DMP chief said the entire area of Shaheed Minar and its adjacent areas will be brought under CCTV cameras to be monitored from police control room.
There will be archways through which people will enter the Shaheed Minar and no one can carry bag or any other items while entering the Shaheed Minar, he added.
After the President and the Prime Minister, cabinet members and foreign diplomats he said, people from all walks of life will be allowed to pay tributes to the martyrs of the Language Movement at Central Shaheed Minar.
Habibur said bomb disposal team, SWAT team, fire service and medical team will be standby on the spot.
Dhaka University Proctor Professor Dr M Maksudur Rahman, and senior police officials were present.

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