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No one to be allowed to enter here from Myanmar

Staff Reporter:

Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Yesterday said that no one will be allowed to enter Bangladesh with arms and ammunition from Myanmar in the wake of the ongoing conflict in the neighboring country.

The members of Myanmar’s Arakan Army can enter Bangladesh with abandoned arms and ammunition and thus, the members of the Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) have been kept on high alert to prevent their entry, he said

The home minister said this while talking to reporters at the office of the Superintendent of Police in the port city’s Sholoshohar area on Friday afternoon.

“It is true that arms and ammunition recently entered the country through the Bangladesh-Myanmar border. However, the BGB members swiftly intervened, seising all firearms and ammunition while also apprehending the carriers,” he said.

In the present context, there is no possibility of entering firearms in Bangladesh through the border as additional forces were deployed in the bordering areas, he said.

Besides, the members of the Coast Guard and Bangladesh Navy are instructed to stay alert at all times to ensure close vigilance on the border, said the minister.

A total of 330 members of Myanmar government forces including Border Guard Police (BGP) and customs officials, who have taken shelter in Bangladesh, were sent back to Myanmar on Thursday amid tight security

They boarded a ship at the Bangladesh Navy’s jetty in Inani, Cox’s Bazar around 11:00 am following a handover ceremony.

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