Reckless driving by teen driver takes 3 lives in Bagerhat

A Correspondent:

Bagerhat: Three people were killed and another was injured as a truck driven by a teenage driver hit a three-wheeler on Khulna-Mongla highway in Rampal upazila of Bagerhat on Saturday morning.
The deceased were identified as Sayeed Morol, son of Razzak Morol of Jhanjhania area of Rampal upazila, Azad Morol, son of Ekhlas Morol of the same area and Mohammad Moni Mollik, son of Mak-bul Mollik of Gabbunia Kumlai village of the same upazila.
Mizanur Rahman Sheikh, officer-in-charge of Bagerhat’s Katakhali highway police, said the Khulna-bound truck rammed the engineer-run three-wheeler from behind when it reached Rampal Chairman area, leaving one dead on the spot three injured.
Two of the injured victims died on the way to a hospital.
After the accident, police seized the truck and arrested the truck driver, he added.
The arrested driver is Safayet Hossain, 19, a resident of Chowgacha area of Jashore district.

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