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Sugar, vermicelli prices soar amid Eid festivities

Staff Reporter:

The price of sugar and vermicelli, two highly sought-after items during Eid festivity, have marked a sharp rise, causing distress among consumers.

The price hike comes amidst an already rising cost of essential goods in the market.

According to Aminul Islam, a consumer, the prices hike has hit consumers hard. Traditional long and fried vermicelli called Lachaa now costs Tk 25-60 more per kg than last year. The price of Kolson brand’s traditional long Shemai has also increased, from Tk 30-35 per 200 gm pack last year to Tk 40-45 this year.
Other popular Shemai brands like Radhuni, Dekko, Minar, Pran, Econo, Acme, and Well Food have experienced similar price hikes, as confirmed by local shopkeepers. Well Food’s Premium Lachcha now retails at Tk 320 per 400 gm pack, up from Tk 270 last year, according to Juel Rana, a grocer in Sankar, West Dhanmondi, and Roman, a grocer in Mohammadpur.

Spices used in Shemai, such as cardamom, cinnamon, and bay leaf, have also become 35-50 percent costlier than last year.

Bogura’s local vermicelli prices have soared by Tk 30-40 per kg ahead of Eid. Traders cite increased production costs for many Eid essentials, including vermicelli, as the primary reason for the price hike.

Sugar prices have also surged, reaching Tk 130-140 per kg in retail, up from Tk 118-130 per kg just a week ago. This increase defies the government-fixed rate of Tk 104-109 per kg. Consumers have criticized the lack of market monitoring, accusing some businessmen of exploiting the situation and raising prices as demand grows.

Adding to the financial strain on consumers during the festive season, chicken and beef prices also experienced further hikes on Thursday. With just days to go before Eid-ul-Fitr, the rising costs of essential items have left consumers disappointed and concerned.

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