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Nearly 100 houses of RMG workers razed in Gazipur fire

Staff Reporter:

A fire erupted in a slum-like area in Gazipur’s Kaliakair upazila on Friday noon razing to the ground around 100 houses rented out to garment workers of nearby factories.

The houses are small rooms made of tin and are densely packed together in six adjoining colonies. Each of the houses reportedly accommodated the family of one garment worker.

Gas cylinder leak is the likely cause behind the blaze that spread rapidly. Four units of firefighters brought the situation under control within two hours, after they were called in by the locals.

Many of the poor garment factories have lost furniture, electric appliances, cash and other valuables to the flames.

The local upazila parishad chairman later visited the spot and assured the victims of providing financial assistance to help them make up for the losses.

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