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Heroic FF, politician Rano laid to rest

Staff Reporter:

Heroic freedom fighter and eminent leftist leader Haider Akbar Khan Rano, who was passed away early Friday, was laid to rest in the city’s Banani graveyard yesterday noon.
He was buried beside the graves of his father, mother and younger brother.
Earlier, his namaj-e-janaza was held at the central mosque of Dhaka University.
His body was taken to the central office of Communist Party of Bangladesh (CPB) at 10 am and party leaders-workers paid their last respect. Later, his body was taken to the Central Shaheed Minar where he was given a state guard of honor.
Adviser of CPB Haider Akbar Khan Rano, 81, breathed his last early Friday at the city’s Health and Hope Hospital where he was admitted on May 6 with lung complications.
The body was kept at the mortuary of Samarita Hospital as his grandchildren were abroad.

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