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25 camps to be set up across country ahead of polls: RAB

Staff Reporter:

The Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) has been deployed across the country alongside other law enforcement forces to ensure holding a free, fair and peaceful national election scheduled for January 7.

RAB members will discharge their duties in all parliamentary constituencies as mobile and striking forces till January 10 as per the Election Commission’s (EC) decision, said Imran Khan, assistant superintendent of police (ASP) at the media wing of RAB headquarters.

Besides, 25 temporary RAB camps will be set up across the country, he added.

They will play roles in maintaining peace and order in polling stations and counting votes. In continuation of that, at least two patrol teams will be deployed in each seat for electoral duties while two patrol teams will be kept as reserve striking forces in each battalion.

In addition, a total of more than 700 patrol teams will be responsible for maintaining law and order across the country.
Information will be gathered through intelligence forces and own sweeping and bomb disposal teams will be kept ready. Besides, helicopters and dog squads will be deployed if necessary.

The Special Force of the RAB Forces Headquarters will be ready round the clock to face any emergency, said the RAB officer.
The Bomb Disposal Unit of RAB Forces Headquarters divided into 7 zones will be ready for deployment at all times.

Ten teams of Dog Squad will be kept ready round the clock at RAB Forces Headquarters. Security will be strengthened by setting up check posts at different places across the country, he added.

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