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19 BNP supporters sentenced in sabotage case

Staff Reporter:

A Dhaka court on Wednesday sentenced 19 leaders and activists of the BNP and its associate bodies to two years in jail each in a sabotage case filed with Dhaka’s Paltan police station around five years back.
Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Moinul Islam passed the order.
The convicts are BNP’s Joint Secretary General Habib-Un-Nabi Khan, the party’s youth wing Jubo Dal’s former president Saiful Alam Nirob, Secretary Mohammad Rafiqul Islam, Chhatra Dal’s former President Rajib Ahsan, the party fellows Mashiru Rahman Biplob, Md Refat Ullah and Abdus Salam, among others.
The court also exempted BNP leader Shafiul Bari Babu as he died.
According to the case statement, supporters of the BNP and its associate bodies took out a procession with arms in the Nayapaltan area on February 1 in 2018.
The demonstrators hurled brickbats and crude bombs targeting law enforcers who tried to disperse the procession.
Later, Sub-Inspector (SI) Arshad Hossain filed a case with the Paltan Model Police Station.

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