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Hearing on HC order over closing schools in Ramadan today

Staff Reporter:

The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court yesterday set today to hold a hearing on an appeal filed against the High Court order that stayed for two months a government decision to keep primary and sec-ondary schools open in the holy month of Ramadan.
Justice M Enayetur Rahim of the Appellate Division Chamber Judge Court passed the order, maintaining the stay imposed by the High Court. The court sent the matter to the apex-court full bench for a hearing today.
A High Court division bench of Justice KM Kamrul Kader and Justice Khizir Hayat on March 10 passed the order after holding a primary hearing on a writ petition filed in this regard.
“The High Court yesterday stayed government decisions to keep primary schools open for ten days and secondary schools for 15 days during the holy month of Ramadan. The court also issued a rule in this regard,” said senior advocate AKM Foyej, who moved the plea before the court, told newsmen on that day.

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